Seated Calf Machine provides safe training of calves and focuses especially on soleus muscle. Compared to traninig on Standing Calf machine, the effect on soleus muscle is greater, the soleus gains width.
Barbell Rack provides easy barbell access and storage for olympic bars, biceps bars and other types of barbells.
Seated Scott Curl is also known as Scott Bench. This machine develops and strenghtens biceps muscles and lowers the engagement of other muscles to guarantee maximum growth and strength. The training also engages brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.
Elegant chrome dumbbells are made in Czech Republic. Dumbbells are scaled from 1 kg up to 10 kg. The rack is made of a robust oval construction.
Squat Rack is professional rack for olympic bar tranining. The squats develop and strengthen thighs, especially quadriceps muscles, glute muscles, hamstrings, m. erector spinae and abdominal wall. The workout engages almost the whole body directly or through auxiliary muscles.
Trap Bar, also called Hex Bar is developed for squats and deadlift. In comparison with free-weight training, the spinal pressure is lower. Elevated handles allow easier neutral grip. Central load placement holds the core in the right position.
Bench Press / Olympic Flat Bench belongs to the top favourite machine thanks to a wide range of upper body training options.
Hack Squat Machine develops the strength of front and rear thigh muscles, glute muscles and calves. Hack Squat can replace a squat, which requires a certain level of training experience. The machine has adjustable foot rest, safe lever for fixing the shoulder rests.
Assisted Adduction Machine develops mainly inner thigh muscles: adductor longus and adductor brevis. The back rest is adjustable. The lever support guarantees comfortable starting position. The machine has two rods to fix the feet based on inividual height.
Professional Standing Calf Machine provides fundamental training of gastrocnemius. The machine allows maximum weight load. Apart from the weight stack, more load can be added with additional plates places on top rod.
Lat Pulley Machine develops back muscles, mainly latissimus dorsi and also engages teres major muscles, rhomboid muscles and trapezius. The machine shall be completed with Lat Pulley adaptor, cat. number 544. The variety of adaptors chosen enlarges the muscle engagement.
Long Pulley Machine develops back muscles, mainly latissimus dorsi and also engages teres major muscles, rhomboid muscles, back deltoid muscles and trapezius. Apart from back muscles, exerciser also trains biceps and brachialis muscles, abdominal wall and erector spinae.
Biceps Curls machine develops and strenghtens biceps muscles with precisely guided path of motion. The handle puts less pressure on wrist joints. Training with both hands is one of the most effective trainings for biceps growth.
Shoulder press develops especially front deltoid muscles, middle part of deltoid, triceps, trapezius and upper chest muscles.
Assisted Chest Press Low uses precisely guided path of motion to strenghten especially pectoralis major. Compared to training on classic bench press, the machine guarantees higher safety and stability. The engagement and isolation of chest varies based on the grip.
Lady Butterfly machine (Pectoral Fly) develops chest muscles - pecoralis major and minor and also arm muscle coracobrachialis. The precisely guided path of motion guarantees correct technical traning. Wide arm span results in maximal muscle training and stretching.
The Seated Leg Curl machine is designed to train back part of thighs (hamstring muscles) and also semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles.
The Leg Extension Fitness is designed for the effective training of quadriceps muscles. Optimal adjustment for everyone is guaranteed thanks to adjustable backrest and movable shin roller. Handles ensure comfortable and safe traning with the maximum range of motion.
The Leg Curl Fitness machine with stainless steel handles is designed to train back part of thighs (hamstring muscles). The machine is focused especially on biceps femoris muscle and semimembranosus muscles. The lying position allows maximum contraction of hamstring muscles.
Combines machine Adduction / Abduction represents an ideal solution for smaller gyms, as it features two machines in one.
Bench Press / Olympic Flat Bench belongs to the top favourite machine thanks to a wide range of upper body training options.